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Log In or Create an Account. Log In Create an Account. Cloudflare Black Box Issue Posted a year ago. Posted a year ago.
Interested in joining the team? Want to help build a better community? If so, we encourage you to apply below. This form will be accessible until June 15, If you have applied on a past form you may apply again now.
You will be contacted at the email address you provide in the form if we are interested or have further questions for you. If you have not received a response from us by July 15, , then you were not selected this time, but we greatly appreciate you taking the time to apply and your interest in devoting time to maintaining our community. Click here to apply to join the moderation team!
Specific changes below have been highlighted in bold. This limit applies to all accounts owned by the creator. Attempting to bypass these limitations may result in escalated penalties.
With this update, routine abusers will no longer receive a warning about exceeding the limit, and may find their accounts temporarily suspended. While the rules updates are visible now, we will not be enforcing these changes until 14 days have passed Mar 23 to allow users to have time to bring their gallery into compliance if needed. Code of Conduct Additionally, we've made some changes to the Code of Conduct. We do not allow messaging with unsolicited advertising, promotions, or repetitive content that are unintelligible or intended to clutter pages with unwanted content.
Additionally, we've added a new policy to the Code of Conduct. Instead of 1 day, 1 week, 1 month it is now 1 day, 3 days, 1 week. This increase will better allow us to provide the features you want with far less limitations. Want to help us reach our goal? Consider tossing a few shinies to Fender via our tipping system! All money raised goes to expand our servers. Sponsor the Site Want to help sponsor our shiny new servers?
Feel free to toss an email to advertising furaffinity. Search Engine Changes We are making some simple, but significant changes to the search engine. This meant newer creators were having a more difficult time than intended getting their content discovered, as they were competing against submissions from over a decade ago.
We want search results to stay fresh and relevant, and to benefit newer creators as much as our long-time members. New Feature: Customizing Search We recognize not all users will appreciate the new changes, so fret not, we had you in mind!
You can now customize your default search preferences in the Control Panel to work the way you want. Emphasis on small. Want your content to be more relevant? The more your content pings certain criteria the more likely it is to show in the results. The system adds the most weight to keywords, so the more accurate your keywords are the higher chances your content will show up in search results. We will be monitoring performance and storage requirements, and will consider adjusting avatar limits higher if we are able.
Help Support FA! Want to support the FA? Consider supporting us. But we need your help to do it. We recommend having sellers send an invoice in all instances. Stay safe, and happy browsing. To Submit to the Express Yourself Contest, please follow this link to our home journal, where we have set up a place to do so! This year we've changed the rules slightly, so make sure you read everything before submitting over on our main journal!
The contest is, well, to express yourself through a minute long or less musical piece. The first round is a Public Submission Round, meaning anyone can submit a song and so long as it abides to the rules, be considered. The contest then undergoes a private voting round, where the songs from the Public Submission Round are placed on a rating criteria and at least fifteen are selected to move on.
A few, the 5 that were rated the lowest of the top 15 but still show a lot of potential, will enter the Wildcard Round. The remaining, those that scored the highest on our rating criteria, will be moved directly into the Semifinal Round. After the Semifinal Round , a Final Round consisting of 5 submissions will occur to pick this year's winning 3. This is also a public voting round. As an outcome to this round, the top 3 submissions will be chosen and prizes given out! If you are an artist interested in contributing to the prize pool, check out the original journal over on Furry Musicians for opportunities!
We would love to work out a way to promote you. The book has over pages of new content for playing characters in the Beast World: 24 new furry-themed races, 12 new subclasses, and a lot more.
There are also rules for customizing the traveling wagons which carry adventurers across this setting, acting as mobile strongholds for your party. Our Kickstarter campaign launches August 31st! We wanted to make a world centered around this aesthetic we all love, while still bringing new ideas to the world of fantasy tabletop.
We are passionate about bringing you an awesome tabletop book that will make your game more fun and hopefully improve your life in some small way. We are doing our best to get the word out about our book, so we are running a HUGE giveaway contest! Your odds of winning are the same no matter how many enter, and we hope to give out a TON of prizes.
We have an ad budget for the book that we would much rather spend giving back to our own community. To enter, all you need to do is be on our email list on August 30th, the day before the Kickstarter campaign launches. Just sign up to get notified when our Kickstarter launches, and you have the chance to get the book for yourself.
Click here to enter! The winner is responsible for the shipping cost of the prize, as well as any state, local, or federal taxes due as required by law. This contest is solely sponsored by Heartleaf Games, and financial liability for it falls upon Heartleaf Games. In the event of a dispute, the laws of the State of New York apply. Please note that the changes to the upload system may break the functionality of tools like Postybirb. Together, we will continue to fight and raise awareness until every person is free to live and love freely without persecution.
The struggle is really won in the hearts and minds of the community, where it really counts. We will always strive to give you a platform to express who you are! Khajiit has wares if you have coin.
As of today March 5, our new reminder policy is now in effect. As you may remember from our journal announcing the change , we have updated Section 2. As a quick reminder, here is the policy in full with the new changes in bold. Users may post a total of up to 3 reminder submissions every 24 hours. Only one reminder per original sale is permitted in this time frame. Reminders, advertisements, and promotions must still comply with all other policies, such as Section 2.
Reposting submissions in an attempt to circumvent these limitations is not permitted. Attempts to bypass this policy or its limitations is prohibited. In addition to these changes going live, we also have new tools to help cut down on submissions being removed and reposted in an attempt to bypass our policies.
This should help both artists who are trying to get their sales seen while they are following our policies as well as users who are trying to browse non-sale content. Front Page Changes for New Submissions We have identified an issue with thumbnails not always loading immediately and are implementing a 5 second delay before uploads first appear on the front page and the browse section.
This should give the time needed for thumbnails to generate properly. Thanks for your support! Now the contest has moved to its second public voting round, and Furry Musicians need your help! We have updated Section 2. The new change, highlighted in bold below, introduces new limits which restricts users from posting more than 3 YCH reminders in a 24 hour period across all accounts they own.
This new limit goes into effect March 5, We want to allow users the freedom to promote their work, but we also understand users have been experiencing frustration with the amount of reminder notices. We feel this new change is a fair balance to those wishing to promote their content without risk of spam. We are currently investigating an issue with Cloudflare delivering files from facdn. Update 1 - We've opened a ticket with Cloudflare support to understand the issue.
We will keep you updated. Update 2 - The error messages state "this video has been restricted". As FA does not currently support video, we're hoping this may have been an error. We'll keep you updated when we hear back from Cloudflare.
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